Faith, Science and Technology

We are a church that is energized and guided by lively engagement in faith and life, and committed to encouraging conversation from a faith perspective about science and technology issues in our society and world. The ELCA teaches that science and technology are expressions of the human responsibility to learn and predict, imagine and invent for the sake of caring for creation together. The God-given gifts of science and technology should be used only as a means to respect and promote communities, life and human dignity.

While the implications of science and technology sometimes pose new complexities and ambiguities, science and technology by definition “do not constitute understandings (or imply judgments) about God. There is no inherent conflict between scientific findings and the understanding of God as creator, redeemer and sanctifier.” (ELCA statement on “Genetics, Faith and Responsibility,” page 4.)

This is a place to help you in your search for resources and activities devoted to expanding awareness, encouraging conversation, and promoting action related to the interaction between science and technology and Christian faith and action.

Lutheran Alliance

The Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology is an Independent Lutheran Organization. These scientists, pastors, science teachers and others explore the intersections of faith and science through publishing Covalence, creating resources, and providing forums for conversation.

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